Help You Dexterously Raising Angels

We are dreaming developers, who are eager to bring new technologies to help everyone. Our latest AI powered application - Hydra, is designed to help young parent taking care of their children. We code our Hydra assistant with chill.

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Anh T. Tra

I am a husband and a father of one son. I am also an enthusiastic AI/ML/DL engineer, who can study hard, work hard, play hard and die softly. Find more about me here.


Phong Trung Le

I am just a cute guyyy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ . I love working with machine, so I work as an AI Engineer. My goal is to be a Magical Dev to 🔥the world. My profile.


Dung Le Huy

I'm super coder.
That's all


Quy Truong

Fast learning.
Web enthusiast.
Github pro5.


Long Vo Van

Gangster coder
Shallow learning.
Web developer.
Github profile.


Minh Tran

"Practice makes perfect."
Try to learning as much as possible and doing my best in order to accompish my task. profile.

Contact Us

Get in touch and let's make something chill together.

Where To Find Us

Da Nang, Viet Nam

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